The most musical extent of minor Ringing Homepage      Email me

   What is the most musical possible 720 of minor? A police van.
What is the most musical extent of minor? Obviously, giving individual rows a musical rank will not help when comparing different 720s. However, in different methods the rows will be ordered differently, and this can produce interesting musical differences.

One musical effect I like in ringing is having runs of bells continuing from one row into another, handstroke to backstroke. In this case, a <n-run> is defined as being a run of n bells, which can be split accross adjacent hand/backstroke rows. There are therefore 12 possible <6-runs>, ie for symmetric treble-dodging methods:
   123456 =1

H  .....1 =1
B  234561

H  ....12 =1
B  345621

H  ...123 =1
B  456213

H  ..1234 =1
B  5621..

H  612345 =1
B  621...

and the six corresponding reverses.
I contacted Richard Smith, who kindly generated a musical rank for the standard extent of all treble-dodging (778) and plain minor methods with regular lead-heads and no more than two consecutive blows in any position. Four different criteria were used to assess the music of the 720: <4-runs>, <5-runs>, <6-runs>, and wraps of rounds (forward <6-runs>). As expected, treble-dodging methods gave much higher scores than plain methods. Acting on a hunch, I also asked Richard to calculate the values if the extents were rung out of course (here starting 124356). The results for the top and bottom scoring methods for in-course 720s, as well as some standard methods, are summarised in the tables below:

67	Hertfordshire D		&3-34.1-2-23-34-1,2
66	Langleybury S		&34-3.4-2-23-2-1,6
66	Tollesbury D		&3-34.1-2-23-2-5,2
65	Badgeworth TB		&-34-1-5-1-2-1,6
65	Redbourn S		&3-3.4-2-23-2-3,2
65	College Bob III S	&-5-4-5-3-2-5,2
57	Carlisle S		&34-3.4-2-3-4-5,2
56	Cambridge S		&-3-1-2-3-4-1,6
53	London S		&3-3.4-2-3.4-4.3,2
52	Norwich S		&-34-4-2-3-34-1,6
44	Offenham D		&-3-45-5-1-2-5,6

25	Hertfordshire D		&3-34.1-2-23-34-1,2
24	Untitled D		&5-34.1-2-23-4-3,2
24	Untitled D		&5-34.1-2-23-34-1,2
22	Langleybury S		&34-3.4-2-23-2-1,6
22	Middlesex D		&3-34.1-2-23-34-5,2	
22	Tollesbury D		&3-34.1-2-23-2-5,2
19	London S		&3-3.4-2-3.4-4.3,2
16	Carlisle S		&34-3.4-2-3-4-5,2
15	Cambridge S		&-3-1-2-3-4-1,6
15	Norwich S		&-34-4-2-3-34-1,6
11	Gresley D		&-5-1-2-23-4-5,2

09	Hertfordshire D		&3-34.1-2-23-34-1,2
07	London S		&3-3.4-2-3.4-4.3,2
05	Carlisle S		&34-3.4-2-3-4-5,2
04	Norwich S		&-34-4-2-3-34-1,6
03	Cambridge S		&-3-1-2-3-4-1,6

<Runs of rounds>
05	Letchworth S		&5-3.4-2-23-34-3,2
05	Fincham S		&3-5.4-2-23-2-3,2
05	Sandwich S		&34-5.4-2-23-4-3,2
05	Untitled S		&34-5.4-2-23-4-3,6
03	London S		&3-3.4-2-3.4-4.3,2
02	Carlisle S		&34-3.4-2-3-4-5,2
02	Cambridge S		&-3-1-2-3-4-1,6
01	Norwich S		&-34-4-2-3-34-1,6

Interestingly, extents rung out of course tend to score higher on all the scales. No method has all six runs of rounds, but Buckland Brewer Delight (&-34-45-5-1-2-1,2) has five when rung out of course. It also manages 10 <6-runs>, 27 <5-runs> and 67 <4-runs>: higher than any extent rung in-course. Still higher for <4-runs> when out of course are Bingley Delight (&-3-45-5-1-4-1,6) with 71, and Fryerning Surprise (&-34-4-2-23-2-3,2) and Offenham Delight (&-3-45-5-1-2-5,6) with 70. As can be seen from the tables, Offenham is at the bottom of the list for extents rung in-course! Full details of all the methods can be found by downloading this Excel file (434kb).

The 46 regular plain methods score considerably lower than treble-dodging methods. The maximum number of <6-runs> is 7, scored by St James Youths Exercise (&3.4-1-3,2) and Brentford (&34.1-1.34.1,2).